Brown color palettes are indicative of certain meanings in websites. Brown is the color of earth, it signifies steadfastness, stability and balance. Also, it implies reliability and friendliness, as well as simplicity, that’s why it’s a good idea to choose a brown color palette for your website. When included in a website color scheme, brown gives the impression of wholesomeness and peace, harmony and stability. If that’s what your brand needs to communicate, use brown in your website color combo.
So, let’s see some examples of brown color palettes in websites:
This website design plays with geometric shapes and original brown color palettes that focus the attention on the site content. A great part of the homepage is covered with light brown, in combination with violet, which gives a feeling that this website content is to pay attention to. The design is unusual, and it gives the impression of elegance and modernity. The color scheme matches the topic of the website, also giving it a modern aspect that seems to be intricately related to “Athena Art Finance”.
This website mixes different nuances of brown. The images are placed onto a light brown background, which ensures enough negative space is preserved. Also, it leaves the impression of 3D movement, which makes the website stand out and grabs the attention of users. The design of the homepage is simple, leaving the decision to users as to where they navigate and how they go further exploring the website.
This website uses light brown in the background of the homepage Hero. It gives a sense of trust, and leaves enough room for negative space. As a result, the message is brought to the forefront, and it grabs people’s attention with its friendly tone. This goes hand in hand with the friendliness of the color scheme and the simplicity of it.
This website uses brown as suggestive of coffee. This is the very topic of the Alps coffee website, that’s why brown is used in the homepage Hero image. It involves calm and comfort, steadfastness and stability, and harmony. The logo, the menu and the text color are the same brown as that which is used for the photo, so there’s design coherence and visual balance.
This website doesn’t use brown as the main color in its pages. However, light brown is the accent color, for underlining and marking some parts of content, all throughout the pages. Call-to-Action buttons are in brown. Some sections appear on a brown background. The logo itself consists of brown, the same brown nuance as the rest of the homepage items. The hamburger menu and the expanded menu are on a brown background. All these create unity within the page and give coherence to content.
In this website, brown comes naturally, as indicative of the beauty ritual. For the homepage, the designer used split screen, so the page unfolds only onto the right part of the screen. All throughout this right side of the page, brown alternates with blue-green nuances, for exquisite effects. In some sections, light brown appears in the background, while text is visible in a different brown nuance that contrasts well with that background. The presentation is remarkable as unique, and recommends Salon Sona as special for the beauty ritual.
This website is about a 5-star hotel. It uses brown both in the Hero image and in the following homepage sections (background, titles & subtitles). It conveys a sense of luxury and cosiness, that’s indicative of the hotel luxury. For elements on hover, they use the brown color, making micro-interactions part of the whole web design.
We hope these few examples inspire you for the next website design project. Hence, you should know what brown nuance to use in what part of the website, so the whole stays unified and coherent, transmitting the values you want to, through the use of brown.