One-page Websites and their Role in Representing a Website


There’s currently a trend of having a one-page website. If the content requirements don’t tell otherwise, it’s the best solution you could choose for presenting your company.

Why choose a one-page layout?


First, let’s see why it’s better to consider a one-page website than a multi-page website:


  • One-page sites are a low-cost solution for many small and medium companies. They don’t require many resources needed in designing complex websites, and their creation is also timesaving. They also imply reduces bandwidth needs. It’s simpler and easier to build a single page website than to create a whole architecture of web pages and populate them with text and multimedia content.


  • They have become popular due to the rise in mobile device browsing. Having to scroll down a one-page is a lot easier than to navigate from one page to another, in a multi-page website with an intricate structure. It’s more comfortable and simpler to consult different sections within the same page than to jump from page A to page B, then to page C and back.


  • They have become popular due to the need for short, impactful information that’s concise, condensed and to the point. Instead of packing many website pages with a lot of content that repeats information and is diluted, you might choose to order all info within one expressive page of a one-pager.


  • One-page websites are similar to landing pages, and they’re good for getting conversions. Similarly to landing pages, they consist of only one-page, and it’s in that page that you must put all interesting and actionable content for users to become clients. They have to include a complete company presentation, a clear Call-to-Action and information that’s useful to readers. One-pagers, like landing pages, have to contain them all.


  • Due to the arrangement of content within one page, in a linear structure, such websites are good for storytelling. People are used to reading stories, and getting engaged with them. Stories are fun, and they’re good to maximize attention. Hence, storytelling increases the possibility of conversion.


What is a one-page website good for?


Now that you know the advantages of using a one-page website, it’s time we see what they should be intended for.

There are 3 main uses of a one-page website:

  • If you want to sell a single product. It’s not the case to create an ample online store, it’s enough to build a one-page website that presents that product as in a landing page. That means the page needs to include a short presentation of the product + its price, the possibility to order the product and, of course, a CTA button.




example 1: one page website

Example 2: one-page website


We offered the 2 examples above as representative for websites that sell a single product. (The second example is, in fact, a hybrid website – in that the additional pages like Allergy information or Terms and conditions are separate from the rest).


  • If you want to promote an app, then a one-page layout is recommended. This includes all the needed information into the sections of a single page, and browsing through the different sections will suffice for a complete view over the product (the app).




example 3: one-page website


example 4: one-page website


In providing these examples, we wanted to showcase that one-page layouts are a good match for promoting a single app you want to bring forward. It enhances the features of the app and showcases the advantages of choosing the respective app, in a concise and expressive manner.


  • If you want to exhibit a portfolio, and you want to show off your data in a fashionable and stylish manner, a one-pager is what you need.



example 5: one-page website



These examples show that the information in a portfolio can be arranged to look well on a single page. And do it perfectly. The page contains a presentation of the professional and their projects in their areas of interest. The design looks fine and catches users’ attention through innovative elements such as color schemes or combination of text and images in the page.


What are the advantages of using one-pagers?

Opting for a one-page website account for simplicity, speed of page loading and easy maintenance. Also, such websites have grown in popularity, and that’s why a lot of customizable one-page WordPress themes are available for building such a website.


Another major advantage of one-page websites is that they’re responsive out-of-the-box. Remember that one-pagers have become popular due to the increase in mobile website browsing? Now it’s time to think about one-pagers as specially created to display optimally on mobile devices (mobile and tablets).


Where do you start from, in building a one-page website?

  1. With a one-pager, you have only one chance to grab visitors’ attention, so you need to come up with a visually compelling page. What you need is all the basic elements of a bigger site and a clear purpose.

In designing a website that contains only one page, you have to pay attention to each and every detail and aspect of that page. It’s the only chance you have to impress readers and make them stay longer onto the website.

  1. When deciding for a one-page website, you need to think of simplifying content and design, to the best. Use simplification for creating an outstanding design, that impresses by this very natural and uncrowded look.





  1. In a one-page website, you need to order content and design elements based on hierarchy. The most important items above the fold or towards the top of the page, and the additional sections and explanations to the bottom of the page. Thus, people will be hooked, and then complementary information will support their first impression through persuasive images and text, or videos.
  2. For a one-page website, it’s important to provide navigation cues, so content is discovered in an optimal way, following the user’s navigation pattern. That’s why it’s important to ensure navigation (a menu) with sections to jump to different points on the same page. Jump links will send users to specific sections within the page. In more complex designs, the menu is set to sticky, so users are guided all throughout their browsing session (even in scrolling mode) to visiting certain page sections.


Are one-pagers good or bad for SEO?


Some might argue that one-page websites are not that good for SEO. And the reasons are based on these facts:

  • With a one-page website, it’s impossible to target multiple keywords. You cannot stuff one page with a series of keywords you want to rank for.

However, content has to look natural, and signs such as users’ engagement and time on page are also key indicators that website deserves good ranking.

  • If you have only one page in site, it’s harder to get diversified backlinks.

However, that one page might be reinforced with links that target it. All link juice will pass to the only page of the website, which might be good in terms of SEO.

  • It’s hard to implement Analytics for a one-page website. Not so much features will be available for an accurate analysis of users’ behavior on the website. One major argument against one-pagers is: how do you accurately determine bounce rate.

Anyway, with the implementation of events, you can track interactions of users with the page elements, and their degree of engagement with the website page. Bounce rate is not a relevant factor in here.


Overview of one-page websites


After you’ll got an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of one-page website, there’s something more:. 3 principles you need to keep in mind once you’ve decided in favour of a one-pager.


  • One important element of a one-page website is the CTA button. You can place it in the upper part of the page. And you can add content sections afterwards, that complete the story.


  • The linear structure of one-page websites keeps readers engaged with the website. So it’s important to observe this rule when structuring your content.


  • Scrolling creates more engagement than browsing different pages, and it adds interactivity to the website. This explains through less steps in leading customers to conversions. Research revealed that users who scroll to the bottom of the page are 25% more likely to buy a product than those who do not scroll.



We hope this article helped you decide if a one-page website is appropriate for your business. We’ll let you start building your page. We’ll be pleased if you share in the comments below what was your experience in creating one-page websites. Or, if you go for a multi-page website, why you’ve made that decision.

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