Orange and blue are complementary colors. There’s no better combination than to use orange and blue in the same website, and attract attention towards it. In the following lines, we’ll show you some examples of a successful orange and blue palette in websites. Perhaps they’ll inspire you in your work.
This color scheme focuses on orange and blue, in a combination where each color emphasizes the other. There’s a dark blue selected for this color combo, and it creates dazzling contrast with pure orange. This has the role to make the website memorable, easy to remember and to return to, whenever people feel like it. The color scheme creates vibrancy, and makes an impact upon readers, just through colors themselves. Blue and orange successfully complement each other, and allow some white text to tell its story onto an electric background.
This website utilizes a softer color scheme, as compared to the previous one. In that the orange is milder, and the blue is scattered here and there, creating a visual contrast that’s easy to remember, without being too bold. Additional colors are part of the color scheme, thus the orange/blue balance is struck elegantly. Some violet and some black are part of the color scheme. Thus the blatant contrast between orange and blue is somehow attenuated. As in the previous example, the color of the text is white: it’s the best option for a background that’s filled with blue and orange.
This website has a lot of orange into the background… and a little blue. It seems to fuel readers with energy and concentrate their attention to the blue and especially, that part of website containing the text presentation. The blue bird directs users’ eyes towards the text. One thing this website has in common with the 2 previous ones: text that appears directly onto the background, within that combination of orange and blue, is white. However, when the alternative is white background, the text color switches to black (orange is for the menu items, for the sake of design coherence).
Similarly, this website has a vast deployment of orange, and a little blue. It impresses through simplicity, and much negative space that favours concentration onto the text. Only, the negative space is not white this time, but it’s orange. The website has an element in common with all the others that we presented. It’s text onto the background is white, thus it accounts for good legibility.
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This website has orange and blue in its color scheme, without making them prevalent. The no. 1 color in this combination is black, and it receives touches of pink, green, white, grey, aside from orange and a little bit of blue. It seems black and orange play the most important role into the website. Meanwhile, other colors come to sustain the main color combination, with chromatic additions that enliven the page. Small sparkles of colors, different from the main color combination, raise the interest of users into what each box in the Editor’s Latest Selections contains.
Here, too, the combination of orange and blue is salient. It’s visible enough to make the page memorable and shadow all other colors used for creating the image gallery. It seems that brown, grey and black serve the only purpose of propelling orange and blue to the most visible part in the website. And here, too, the color of the text is white, as the best option for an orange and blue color combo in the background. What is more, the images in the gallery have an orange overlay when users hover their mouse over the items. This serves for better coherence into the website design.
This collection of 6 types of orange and blue color palette for websites might serve you as source of inspiration in creating your own color scheme for a new website. Notice the different approaches, as well as the main best practices. Hence, you won’t start from scratch in choosing the best color scheme for your website.